We run a little differently than most nonprofits because we want to make the biggest impact we can. We aren’t paying ourselves salaries, we’ve taken care of all startup costs, and we’ll continue to cover any and all overhead. This means 100% of the money donated goes straight to the cause. In other words, there are no administrative costs associated with our nonprofit that are paid using the nonprofit’s donations.

All of the funds we raise now go toward funding the lunch accounts of students who need assistance. When we first started our nonprofit, our original goal was to pay off the 2022-23 student lunch debt. However, our main priority has always been, and always will be, to ensure no child ever has to choose between hunger and humiliation. In August of 2023, we were made aware that, even though the families will still owe PfISD for 2022-23, the current student lunch balances will be set to $0. This put Pfood Pfairness in the unique position of having to choose. Wanting to keep our original promise of helping families in need, repaying the district, and protecting students from embarrassment all at the same time, we spoke to our donors and came up with a plan. On August 14, 2023, we presented PfISD with a check that paid the negative balances in full for all families who qualified for free and reduced lunch in every school in the district.

Between August 14, 2023 and November 21, 2023, we gave donors the choice between preventing children from receiving the cheese sandwich or helping the district recoup losses from the 2022-23 lunch debt, thereby canceling the families’ debts. Donations were kept track of, and we honored donors’ choices on where they wanted their contribution applied. After much thought, the board has decided to now take a more proactive role. After collaborating with district administration, we’ve created Request for Assistance forms so students and parents can reach out to us directly. Pfood Pfairness then funds lunch accounts for students currently affected by the alternative lunch policy. This not only provides children with hot meals, sparing them the embarrassment of having their entrée replaced in front of their peers, it also prevents future debt from accruing–debt that the district would ultimately have to pay. Moving forward, we are confident that this is the best way Pfood Pfairness can help our community, and we hope you agree.

Our plans for the future are to continue to grow the organization, eventually adding more board members and taking over more responsibilities when we turn eighteen. However, realistically it is possible the day may come when we no longer are able to put in the time necessary to run a nonprofit. If and when that time comes, it is our hope that we will be able to pass the torch to likeminded students in Pflugerville ISD so that families and students in our community can continue to receive support from Pfood Pfairness in Pflugerville Schools.

With the community’s help, we believe all our goals are within reach!